Writing maintainable Spark jobs in Scala

When working on Spark jobs (in Scala), we often sequentially write the code in a single class, giving more attention to the transformations we do and forgetting how our code is structured or even if it’s tested.

Today I’ll be talking about how I personally like to structure and design my Spark jobs, such as they are highly maintainable and testable.

All the code is available in this GitHub Repository.

Example Spark job

The example Spark job that I’ll be using throughout the article is very simple:

  1. Loads 2 csv files: customers and transactions.
  2. Joins the two dataframes and performs aggregations:
    1. Items bought by customers and their last purchase date.
    2. How many times each item has been bought and its popularity (high or low).
This is just an example. In reality, this job would be fine as it is but I'm using it because it's short and has a bit of meaning.
object NormalJob extends Logging {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    val spark = SparkSession

    // Load data
    val customersDf = spark
      .option("header", "true")
      .option("delimiter", ";")

    val transactionsDf = spark
      .option("header", "true")
      .option("delimiter", ";")
      .withColumn("items", split(col("items"), ","))

    // Customer based aggregations
    val customersAndTransactionsDf = customersDf.join(transactionsDf, Seq("userId"))
      .drop("userId", "id", "joinDate")

    val cbaDf = customersAndTransactionsDf.groupBy("name")

    // Item based aggregations
    val itemsDf = transactionsDf.select("items")
      .withColumn("item", explode(col("items")))

    var ibaDf = itemsDf.groupBy("item")

    ibaDf = ibaDf.withColumn("popularity",
      when(col("count") >= 4, "high").otherwise("low"))

    // Save results
    cbaDf.coalesce(1).write.option("header", "true").parquet("C:/sample_data/cba")
    ibaDf.coalesce(1).write.option("header", "true").parquet("C:/sample_data/iba")


This way of writing jobs introduces the following problems:

  • Unless you move the code outside the main method, this is untestable.
  • If you do move the code into its own class, what kind of tests will you do? Most likely, you’ll be testing the output of the job.
  • A developer joining the team won’t be able to understand what the job does just from reading the test, because it doesn’t show what transformations are done to the data.
  • Testing the output of a job is not granular enough. I wouldn’t even call it a unit test.
  • If you’re refactoring the code, all you have to do is match the output at the end, which cannot handle all the possible cases your code might fall into, because we’ll tend to give it the right input data for it to succeed.

Let’s try and do better!

Redesigning the job

Redesigned job

Redesigned job

To better understand this structure, let’s zoom at each component.

IO Handler

This class will handle everything related to IO, be it reading data from Hive or writing data to HDFS, it can do it all. Of course, you can create more specific classes depending on your needs.

This class is useful because:

  • It’s an abstraction on top of SparkSession, which is easier to test and mock.
  • It can contain some logic, for example: loading the last version of a dataset or setting common read/write options.
  • In scenarios where you have multiple jobs (or sub jobs), IO operations are usually the same. This handler will remove a lot of duplicated code.

Let’s apply this to our old job:

class IOHandler(spark: SparkSession) {

  def loadCsv(filename: String, header: Boolean = true, delimiter: String = ","): DataFrame = {
      .option("header", header)
      .option("delimiter", delimiter)

  def saveParquet(df: DataFrame, filename: String, header: Boolean = true): Unit = {
      .option("header", header)



This is an object (somewhat like a static class) that contains every transformation our job needs. The idea here is to put every transformation in it’s method so that we can test it alone.

This is a “static class” because I see transformations as pure functions, giving them the same input gives you the same result.

I personally split and use transformations in two ways:

  • val resultDf = Transformations.doSomething(...).
  • val df = df.transform(Transformations.doSomething).
    • Thanks to Scala, the following will also work: val df = df.transform(Transformations.doSomething(arg1, arg2)) when the transformation needs outside arguments. Your method will need to be declared like this: doSomething(arg1, arg2)(df: DataFrame).

Here are all the transformations extracted from the old job:

object Transformations {

  /** Joins the two dataframes while dropping unnecessary columns */
  def prepare(customersDf: DataFrame, transactionsDf: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
    customersDf.join(transactionsDf, Seq("userId"))

  /** Calculates, for each customer, the items he bought and the date of his last purchase.
   *  Returns: DataFrame[name string, allItemsBought array<string>, lastPurchaseTime string]
  def calculateCustomerBasedAggs(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
      .withColumn("allItemsBought", array_distinct(col("allItemsBought")))

  /** Calculates, for each item, the number of times it was bought.
   *  Returns: DataFrame[item string, count int]
  def calculateItemBasedAggs(transactionsDf: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
    val itemsDf = transactionsDf.select("items")
      .withColumn("item", explode(col("items")))


  /** Casts the "items" column into an array<string>. */
  def castItemsToArray(transactionsDf: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
    transactionsDf.withColumn("items", split(col("items"), ","))

  /** Assigns the popularity of each item based on the number of times it was bought.<br />
   *  "high" if the item was bought 4 or more times, "low" otherwise.
  def assignPopularity(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
    df.withColumn("popularity", when(col("count") >= 4, "high").otherwise("low"))

While it's not mandatory, it's nice to document transformations. You can view them while using the methods depending on your IDE.

As you can see, each method does one specific thing. Even if transformations are related, they can still be split up. Obviously, your business rules will be the main driver here.


This class is like an orchestrator, using the other components to serve a use case. It’s responsible for loading the data, transforming it then saving the results.
We are grouping everything in a separate class because it’s much easier to test.

class MaintainableJob(ioHandler: IOHandler) extends Logging {

  def run(): Unit = {
    // Load & prepare data
    val customersDf = ioHandler.loadCsv("C:/sample_data/customers.csv", delimiter = ";")
    val transactionsDf = ioHandler.loadCsv("C:/sample_data/transactions.csv", delimiter = ";")
    val df = Transformations.prepare(customersDf, transactionsDf)

    // Aggregations
    val cbaDf = Transformations.calculateCustomerBasedAggs(df)
    val ibaDf = Transformations.calculateItemBasedAggs(df).transform(Transformations.assignPopularity)

    // Save results
    ioHandler.saveParquet(cbaDf, "C:/sample_data/cba")
    ioHandler.saveParquet(ibaDf, "C:/sample_data/iba")


Simple, clean and right to the point. You can further split the run method if it gets too long.


I’m sure I don’t have to introduce you to the main class/method, what I will say though is this:

  • Do not put logic or transformations here because it’s almost impossible to test this (I say almost because there are some workarounds that nobody really likes…).
  • If your job requires arguments, then you might want to unit test that.
object Main {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val spark = SparkSession
      .appName("Maintainable Job")

    val ioHandler = new IOHandler(spark)
    val job = new MaintainableJob(ioHandler)



As you can see, the main method simply handles the SparkSession and runs our job.

Unit tests

Now to the fun (or not so much) part. This is where we build our confidence, where we become certain that our job will do exactly what we want it to do.

Here are the libraries I used in the tests:

We’ll be testing our testable components one by one:

IO Handler Tests

Since the IO Handler depends on the SparkSession, we only want to make sure it calls the right methods. Other test cases are already handled by Spark.

class IOHandlerTests extends WordSpec with MockitoSugar with Matchers with ArgumentMatchersSugar {

  "loadCsv" should {

    "call spark.read.csv with correct option values" in {
      // Arrange
      val spark = mock[SparkSession]
      val mockReader = mock[DataFrameReader]
      val ioHandler = new IOHandler(spark)

      when(spark.read) thenReturn mockReader
      when(mockReader.option("header", true)) thenReturn mockReader
      when(mockReader.option("delimiter", ",")) thenReturn mockReader

      // Act

      // Assert


  "saveParquet" should {

    "call write.parquet with correct options" in {

      // Arrange
      val spark = mock[SparkSession]
      val mockWriter = mock[DataFrameWriter[Row]]
      val mockDf = mock[DataFrame]
      val ioHandler = new IOHandler(spark)

      when(mockDf.coalesce(1)) thenReturn mockDf
      when(mockDf.write) thenReturn mockWriter
      when(mockWriter.option("header", true)) thenReturn mockWriter

      // Act
      ioHandler.saveParquet(mockDf, "filename")

      // Assert


DataFrameWriter is a final class, you will need to use mock-maker-inline to make this work.

Transformations Tests

These are the most important tests. Here, I’m only giving example tests, but you should be testing all the possible cases to ensure that each transformation works as expected.

Most of the tests will have the same structure:

  • Create fake small dataframes using toDF.
  • Execute the transformation and get an actualDf.
  • Use the assertSmallDatasetEquality method to ensure the desired output.
class TransformationsTests extends WordSpec
  with MockitoSugar
  with Matchers
  with ArgumentMatchersSugar
  with SparkSessionTestWrapper
  with DatasetComparer {

  import spark.implicits._

  "prepare" should {

    "join the two dataframes and drop the id column" in {
      // Arrange
      val customersDf = Seq((0, "name")).toDF("userId", "name")
      val transactionsDf = Seq((0, 0)).toDF("id", "userId")
      val expectedDf = Seq((0, "name")).toDF("userId", "name")

      // Act
      val actualDf = Transformations.prepare(customersDf, transactionsDf)

      // Assert
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDf, expectedDf)

    "throw a NullPointerException when customersDf is null" in {
      // Arrange
      val customersDf = null
      val transactionsDf = Seq((0, 0)).toDF("id", "userId")

      // Act & Assert
      assertThrows[NullPointerException] {
        Transformations.prepare(customersDf, transactionsDf)


  "calculateCustomerBasedAggs" should {

    "aggregate by name" in {
      // Arrange
      val df = Seq(
        ("John", Array("a", "b"), "05/03/2020"),
        ("John", Array("c", "d"), "08/03/2020")
      ).toDF("name", "items", "time")
      val expectedDf = Seq(("John", Array("a", "b", "c", "d"), "08/03/2020"))
        .toDF("name", "allItemsBought", "lastPurchaseTime")

      // Act
      val actualDf = Transformations.calculateCustomerBasedAggs(df)

      // Assert
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDf, expectedDf)

    "remove duplicates in allItemsBought column" in {
      // Arrange
      val df = Seq(
        ("John", Array("a", "b"), "05/03/2020"),
        ("John", Array("b", "c", "d"), "08/03/2020")
      ).toDF("name", "items", "time")
      val expectedDf = Seq(("John", Array("a", "b", "c", "d"), "08/03/2020"))
        .toDF("name", "allItemsBought", "lastPurchaseTime")

      // Act
      val actualDf = Transformations.calculateCustomerBasedAggs(df)

      // Assert
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDf, expectedDf)


  "calculateItemBasedAggs" should {

    "aggregate by item and calculate count per item (ordered by count)" in {
      // Arrange
      val transactionsDf = Seq((Array("a", "b", "c")), (Array("c", "d"))).toDF("items")
      val expectedDf = Seq(("c", 2L), ("a", 1L), ("b", 1L), ("d", 1L)).toDF("item", "count")

      // Act
      val actualDf = Transformations.calculateItemBasedAggs(transactionsDf)

      // Assert
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDf, expectedDf)


  "castItemsToArray" should {

    "cast items column into array<string>" in {
      // Arrange
      val transactionsDf = Seq("a, b, c").toDF("items")

      // Act
      val actualDf = Transformations.castItemsToArray(transactionsDf)

      // Assert
      assert(actualDf.schema.fields(0).dataType == DataTypes.createArrayType(DataTypes.StringType))


  "assignPopularity" should {

    "assign popularity correctly" in {
      // Arrange
      val df = Seq((2), (4), (5)).toDF("count")
      val expectedDf = Seq((2, "low"), (4, "high"), (5, "high")).toDF("count", "popularity")

      // Act
      val actualDf = Transformations.assignPopularity(df)

      // Assign
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(actualDf, expectedDf, ignoreNullable = true)



Job Tests

Since our Job class acts like an orchestrator, we only have to make sure it calls the right methods with the right arguments. Everything else is already tested above.

class MaintainableJobTests extends WordSpec
  with MockitoSugar
  with Matchers
  with ArgumentMatchersSugar
  with SparkSessionTestWrapper
  with DatasetComparer {

  import spark.implicits._

  "run" should {

    "transform data and save results as parquet" in {
      // Arrange
      val customersDf = Seq(
        (1, "Sam", "01/01/2020"),
        (2, "Samantha", "02/01/2020")
      ).toDF("userId", "name", "joinDate")
      val transactionsDf = Seq(
        (1, 1, 20, "a,b,c", "01/01/2020"),
        (2, 2, 10, "c,e,f", "02/01/2020"),
        (3, 1, 39, "b,c,c,d", "03/01/2020")
      ).toDF("id", "userId", "total", "items", "time")
      val cbaDf = Seq(
        ("Sam", Array("a", "b", "c", "d"), "03/01/2020"),
        ("Samantha", Array("c", "e", "f"), "02/01/2020")
      ).toDF("name", "allItemsBought", "lastPurchaseTime")
      val ibaDf = Seq(
        ("c", 4L, "high"),
        ("b", 2L, "low"),
        ("a", 1L, "low"),
        ("e", 1L, "low"),
        ("f", 1L, "low"),
        ("d", 1L, "low")
      ).toDF("item", "count", "popularity")

      val ioHandler = mock[IOHandler]
      val cbaCaptor = ArgCaptor[DataFrame]
      val ibaCaptor = ArgCaptor[DataFrame]

      when(ioHandler.loadCsv("C:/sample_data/customers.csv", delimiter = ";")) thenReturn customersDf
      when(ioHandler.loadCsv("C:/sample_data/transactions.csv", delimiter = ";")) thenReturn transactionsDf

      // Act
      new MaintainableJob(ioHandler).run()

      // Assert
      verify(ioHandler).saveParquet(cbaCaptor, eqTo("C:/sample_data/cba"), eqTo(true))
      verify(ioHandler).saveParquet(ibaCaptor, eqTo("C:/sample_data/iba"), eqTo(true))
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(cbaCaptor.value, cbaDf, ignoreNullable = true)
      assertSmallDatasetEquality(ibaCaptor.value, ibaDf, ignoreNullable = true)



Multiple jobs

Having multiple jobs isn’t a sign of bad design, your jobs might share a common theme or use case, it’s quiet logical to put them in the same project.

The good thing is that you can still apply this approach! Here’s a demonstration:

Multiple jobs design

Multiple jobs design

As you can see, each job is separate, with its own transformations class, but they all share the same IOHandler. Everything can be tested separately.

A possible improvement is some kind of “main” job. It will be the one running all the jobs, and we can use it directly in Main. This will give us the ability to test that all the jobs are ran correctly, especially if we have outside arguments.


I’d like to remind the readers that this article is very opinionated. Many people agree (or will do, hopefully) with this approach, others won’t like it, and that’s completely fine.

As you can see, it doesn’t take a lot of effort to make a Spark job testable. The used example might not show the need enough, but imagine this with a bigger job/code base. Your Spark jobs (and you) can and should get the same goodness as all other software.

If there are other (better) approaches, please let me know and I’ll happily try them!
Happy coding!

Zanid Haytam Written by:

Zanid Haytam is an enthusiastic programmer that enjoys coding, reading code, hunting bugs and writing blog posts.

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