Category: Blazor rss


23 September / / Blazor
It’s been a long time sine I’ve written a blog post, and I miss it a lot! Today, I’ll be talking about an experiment I did 2 months ago when I was trying to optimize Blazor.Diagrams: JS Interop Batching. Context I’ve been working on my Diagramming Library for Blazor for quite some time now, and it basically takes a model (Diagram) that contains multiple nodes, ports and links (which are also models), renders it and makes it editable on the fly.
21 March / / Blazor
Figuring out how technologies are made under the hood is one of the things I love to do. Ever since I started using Blazor and going in-depth into its features, I can’t stop wondering how things are made internally. This post is the start of a series about, you guess it, Blazor Internals.
21 December / / Blazor