
Patrick Smacchia, the author of NDepend, offered me a license for NDepend and I was thrilled, as I was always interested in it. In this blog post, I’ll be talking about my opinion and thoughts after trying it for the first time. Static code analysis Being able to check the quality of your source code before it’s even ran is a very valuable thing to have.
In parts #1 and #2 of the “Outliers Detection in PySpark” series, I talked about Anomaly Detection, Outliers Detection and the interquartile range (boxplot) method. In this third and last part, I will talk about how one can use the popular K-means clustering algorithm to detect outliers. K-means K-means is one of the easiest and most popular unsupervised algorithms in Machine Learning for Clustering.
In the first part, I talked about what Data Quality, Anomaly Detection and Outliers Detection are and what’s the difference between outliers detection and novelty detection. In this part, I will talk about a very known and easy method to detect outliers called Interquartile Range. Introduction The Interquartile Range method, also known as IQR, was developed by John Widler Turky, an American mathematician best known for development of the FFT algorithm and box plot.
These last months, while working on my graduation project, I had the chance to learn a lot about Data Quality, Anomaly Detection and especially Outliers Detection. In these series, I will be explaining what outliers are, the difference between novelty and outliers detection and how we can detect outliers using different algorithms.
Sending emails is a very important functionality for any website nowdays, either to send account verification emails, newsletter emails or even notification emails. Today I’ll be showing how you can create your own EmailSender Service in ASP.NET Core using FluentEmail and Razor templates for rich HTML emails. EmailSender interface If you’re working with a project that implements a Clean Architecture, you’ll want to create an interface in your Core project to define what you need the service to do, as well as to have the possibility to use it from the Core project too.
Assuming you are familiar with C#; If I give you a Type and tell you to create an object with it, you would automatically think of Activator.CreateInstance right? What if I tell you that instanciating a Type using Expression Trees is much faster? The code for the benchmarks is in this repository.